Frequently Asked Questions
What does the admission process look like?
We want to make our services as easily accessible as possible. There will be an initial pre-intake call to take your demographic and insurance information and to make sure we can provide treatment for the issues you present. If you have a condition we do not treat, we will then provide you with a referral list of local providers who do. If we can help you, you will then be scheduled for an intake with a clinician, where you provide us with more in-depth background information, discuss why you are seeking treatment, and collaborate with the clinician on your treatment plan. You will then be scheduled for a psychiatric evaluation with one of our licensed medical staff for further diagnostic evaluation and medication education. Some of our clients receive medication management only, outpatient therapy only, or a combination of both. Some of our clients who manage more severe, persistent mental illness are suitable for our Partial Care group therapy program, which runs Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-3:00pm.
Are there any mental health conditions CenterPath Wellness does not treat?
Currently, the treatment of eating disorders and primary substance abuse disorders is out of our scope of practice. We hope to expand our services to include substance abuse treatment in the current year.
It states that everyone has to have a psychiatric evaluation. Does that mean I will be forced to take medication?
No, although we want everyone to have the chance to explore medication options, we do not require clients to take medication. Clients can receive individual therapy and not take medication.
If I have an outside psychiatrist, can I still receive services at CenterPath Wellness?
Yes, if you have an outside psychiatrist, you can still receive therapy at CPW.
How long will I be in therapy?
The course of therapy at CPW is typically 14 sessions after the intake assessment. However, we tailor treatment to the individual needs of the client. The client and clinician continually collaborate on progress and goals for treatment, and if it is agreed that you can benefit from additional sessions, we will agree to extend your treatment so you can meet your goals.
Do you take my insurance?
As a community mental health clinic, we are primarily a Medicaid provider; however, we do accept several commercial insurance plans. We also work closely with the state through their NJMHAPPS program to provide services to individuals who are uninsured.
Please note that all co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles, and outstanding balances are due at the time of appointment. Thank You.